Espace Olca


An event space in Les Houches

Scheduled to open in autumn 2026

The Espace Olca, located in the village of Les Houches, 3 km from Chamonix, is currently being refurbished.
When it will reopen in late summer 2026, it will offer several areas:

  • a 180m2 reception hall
  • a 600m2 main hall with bleachers
  • a 140m2 stage and full audio-visual equipment
  • a 350m2 catering area
  • 4 sub-commission rooms

When the bleachers are retracted, the space will be transformed into an open festive venue, perfect for hosting concerts, shows or receptions. A 200-seat balcony remains fixed above the hall. 
Designed with a high degree of modularity, the different spaces will be able to meet the many needs of the events sector and the demands of events for over 400 people in the Chamonix Mont-Blanc valley.

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Contact for professional events (meetings, seminars, symposia, conferences, training courses...)

Convention Bureau/Chamonix Mont-Blanc Valley Tourist Office
04 50 53 75 50

The event spaces of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley

L'Espace Olca at Les Houches