Sentier thématique "Les Croës en forêt"
One of the 5 new thematic trails of "L'aventure climatique" promoting the natural heritage of the valley through a fun and educational itinerant concept.
"Les Croës en forêt": Les Houches - departure from Les Chavants: fun trail with games and modules. Intrigue: why is there so much biodiversity in the mountains?
"Hello, my name is Madeleine Vallot, Joseph's daughter. What you're holding in your hands is my little exploration notebook, the one in which I record all my adventures... just like my dad! This is a new experience beginning for me, Daddy is going to teach us lots of things about animals and vegetation, here in the mountains, in the forest. "
For the entire Climatic Adventure, a game kit is on sale for €18 at the Chamonix Tourist Office.
Panels available in French and English.
Subject to favorable weather.
74310 Les Houches