Tourism and disability


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Do you need specially equipped services or infrastructure?

To help you during your stay, the Chamonix Tourist Office has adapted its facilities, trained its staff and developed special materials to remain accessible to all.

Our Label

We are the first mountain tourist office to obtain the Label Tourisme Handicap, the official seal of approval for disabled tourism, covering physical, visual, auditive and mental disabilities.

With a concern for constantly improving our services, the Chamonix Tourist Office offers some specially adapted facilities and materials:

  • Our main entrances are level with the street.
  • Two (paid) car parks are located with 200 metres of the Tourist Office, with spaces for people with reduced mobility.
    • The Outa car park (off-street parking) has two spaces for people with reduced mobility. To visit the Tourist Office from this car park, take the path on the right of these parking spaces, go past the public toilets and continue along the car park. At the end of the car park, continue straight on along the pavement past Mont-Blanc Hotel and its Le Matafan restaurant. You will find the Tourist Office on your left, just after the hotel;
    • The underground (paid) Saint-Michel car park has spaces for people with reduced mobility on the 1st, 3rd and 5th floors. To reach the Tourist Office from this car park, go over the bridge in front of the car park, then down the access ramp on the left of the church and continue straight on past the Maison de la Montagne until you reach a second access ramp which will take you straight to the Tourist Office.
  • Display stands and reception desk at wheelchair height.
  • Toilets adapted for people with motor disabilities are available on request.
  • A wheelchair available for people with disabilities, reduced mobility or an illness.
  • Improved signage on each of our office fronts with greater contrast and simplified pictograms.
  • Magnifying glass available at the reception desk.
  • A Braille booklet available.
  • A series of pictograms in the office showing the main activities on offer: hiking, museums, entertainment, etc. These pictograms are essential for anyone who doesn’t immediately understand written texts.
  • A tourist advisor who can communicate in French sign language
  • Automatic doors indicated by 70 cm and 170 cm two-tone strips.
  • Hearing loop: this system improves the quality of the conversation and the confidentiality of the information shared. The tourist advisor speaks into a microphone and their voice is transmitted to the hearing-impaired visitor’s ear either via an amplified handset or via a magnetic loop if the user has a compatible hearing aid."

Tourism Office of Vallorcine

Our Commitment to Tourism & Disability

Our tourist office has been awarded the Tourisme Handicap label for 3 disabilities: motor, hearing and mental. With the aim of constantly improving the services it offers, the Vallorcine Tourism Office provides various facilities and support:

  • Main entrance at ground level.
  • A dedicated parking space for wheelchair users is located on the left side of the office.
  • Display stand and reception desk lowered to wheelchair height.
  • Provision of a magnifying glass at the reception.
  • Provision of a booklet in Braille.
  • Series of pictograms in the office to indicate the main activities: hiking, museums, events, etc. These pictograms are essential for those who do not immediately understand written texts.
  • The entrance door is marked with two-color bands at 70 and 170 cm.
  • Induction loop system: This system allows hearing-impaired individuals, whether equipped with hearing aids or not, to improve the quality of conversation and the confidentiality of exchanged information. The travel advisor speaks into a microphone, and their voice is directly transmitted to the ear of the hearing-impaired person.

Please consult the Vallorcine Tourism Office profile for further information.

Tourism Office of Les Houches

Our Commitment to Tourism & Disability

Our tourism office has prepared to obtain the Tourism & Disability Label for the 4 disabilities: motor, hearing, visual, and mental impairments. With the aim of constantly improving the services it offers, the Les Houches Tourism Office provides various facilities and support:

  • A ground-level main entrance.
  • A free parking area with a 30-minute time limit located 30 meters in front of the Tourism Office, with a reserved space for people with reduced mobility.
  • Display stand and reception desk lowered to wheelchair height.
  • Wheelchair-accessible toilets available within the tourism office.
  • A magnifying glass available at the reception.
  • A Braille booklet available upon request at the reception for consultation.
  • Pictograms in the office to indicate key brochures, including winter/summer activities, events, village maps, etc. These pictograms are essential for those who do not immediately understand written texts.
  • Automatic entrance door marked with two-color bands at 70 and 170 cm.
  • An induction loop system: This system improves the quality of conversation and the confidentiality of exchanged information. The receptionist speaks into a microphone, and their voice is directly transmitted to the ear of the hearing-impaired person, either through the amplified handset or through the induction loop if the user is equipped with a compatible hearing aid.

Please refer to the Les Houches Tourism Office profile for further information.

Presentation video of Les Houches Tourism Office


Des associations pour vous accompagner lors de votre séjour 


Association qui développe et propose des activités de pleine nature en montagne pour des
personnes handicapées ayant une déficience motrice, visuelle, mentale ou auditive, et leurs
accompagnants, encadrées par des professionnels de la montagne.
Contact : Téléphone : 06 73 39 81 78 | Site internet : 


Cette association située au Nant à Vallorcine est en contact direct avec la Maison des guides de Vallorcine dans laquelle travaillent des accompagnateurs et guides de montagne formés pour accompagner des personnes en situation de handicap. Par le biais de cette association, il est également possible d’emprunter du matériel (châssis, goélette…) pour la randonnée, le biplace en parapente, l’escalade l’été, le ski l’hiver (uniski et dual). 
Contact : Tel : 06 73 72 06 17 | Site internet :


Vous êtes à mobilité réduite et vous souhaitez accéder à certains sentiers de montagne ? Louez un Quadrix ! Il s'agit d'un fauteuil roulant électrique tout-terrain accessible à toute personne handicapée de plus de 15 ans. Il est accompagné d’un guide vous permettant de planifier un itinéraire dont vous savez qu'il sera sûr et accessible. Famille ou amis peuvent choisir de marcher à vos côtés ou louer un E-VTT et profiter ainsi avec vous de la randonnée sur les mêmes sentiers ! 
Contact : Email : | Site internet : 

My Line

Professionnels en Activités Physiques Adaptées (APA). My Line accompagne les personnes en situation de handicap ou atteintes d'une maladie, ainsi que leur famille à trouver une activité sportive adaptée dans la vallée de Chamonix. A partir de 3 ans. Petite marche, randonnée, escalade, volley adapté, badminton adapté, multisports, enfants, boccia, yoga...
Contact : Site internet : | Email : | Téléphone : 06 68 00 23 04


Leisure and Activities for People with Disabilities

Welcome to Chamonix, a mountain destination that is welcoming to all. Discover activities accessible to people with reduced mobility, ski lifts offering spectacular views of Mont Blanc, and services provided by qualified instructors for tailored experiences. Chamonix is committed to offering an unforgettable experience accessible to everyone.

Discover the leisure and activities here.


Copyright Evasion Loisirs Assis
Bon plan

Mont Blanc Natural Resort : Nouveaux Audio Guides pour l'Aiguille du Midi et le Montenvers

Mont Blanc Natural Resort innove en introduisant des audio guides pour les visites de l'Aiguille du Midi et du Montenvers. Ces nouveaux outils enrichissent l'expérience des visiteurs en offrant une exploration interactive et immersive des sites emblématiques. Disponibles en plusieurs langues, ils permettent de découvrir ces merveilles alpines à son propre rythme, avec une profondeur nouvelle. Une initiative qui promet de rendre chaque visite encore plus mémorable et instructive.

Restaurants adaptés

Découvrez des restaurants adaptés aux personnes à mobilité réduite dans la vallée de Chamonix ! Ces établissements veillent à offrir une expérience culinaire agréable et accessible à tous, vous permettant de profiter pleinement de votre repas sans obstacles.

Je découvre les restaurants en cliquant ici

Table du refuge