Tricotin & compagnie

in Les Houches

Discover how to work with wool and make a knitted accessory (from age 7) or a pompom (from age 4). Reservations required on +33 (0)7 60 04 14 26 before 12pm.

Creative family workshop preceded by a guided tour.

minimum age
4 years old
Full price: 4.50 €.
Opening dates
Tuesday 15 April 2025 between 3 pm and 5 pm.
Tricotin & compagnie
Musée Montagnard
2 rue de l'Eglise
74310 Les Houches
Nearest bus stop : Les Houches Mairie bus stop
Nearest train stop : Les Houches train station
Nearest car parks: Mairie / Freney (Carrefour Contact)

Informations liées

in Les Houches
in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc