Après Midi Nutrition en trail

in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

afternoon session on endurance nutrition (trail) 1 conference + 1 snack/exchange time + 1 workshop on GI (Glycemic Index)

During the big gathering of trail enthusiasts at the end of August in Chamonix, I'm organizing an afternoon on a vital subject: nutrition!
Too often the cause of abandonment after so much effort and sacrifice, we'll be discussing it at a conference on managing food and hydration during a race.
There will also be a workshop on how to vary blood sugar levels using the GI (glycemic index): making the right choices at the right time. What to eat? What to drink? When to eat?
A time of exchange with participants over a homemade snack will be offered to recharge batteries and spend a convivial moment.

(Attendance validated after reservation: laury@positive-mind-diet.com)

One price: from 20 €.
Opening dates
Wednesday 28 August 2024 between 2.30 pm and 6 pm.
Après Midi Nutrition en trail
Hôtel Aiguille du Midi
479 chemin Napoléon
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Closest bus stop : Les Bossons
Closest train stop : Les Bossons train stop
Closest parking : Hotel car-park