Conférence : La désinformation menace-t-elle nos démocraties ?

in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

Fakes circulate faster than truths.

On social networks, fake news circulates six times faster than real information. How can we sharpen our critical thinking skills? With Laurent Joffrin (Libé), Pierre Haski (France Inter), Thomas Huchon (LCI).

Conspiracy, fake news, rumor.
Fakes circulate faster than the truth. On social networks, fake news circulates six times faster than real information. Like this video of Volodymyr Zelensky calling on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms. A lure made possible by advances in artificial intelligence. Fake news invades social networks. Once a rumor is started, it's hard to stop. The damage is done. Fake news is a powerful weapon in the hands of the enemies of democracy. They corrode minds, dividing citizens who no longer agree on the very definition of reality. There is no longer any common ground, no facts, no certainties. Everything is open to doubt. Truth is less important than perception. Emotion prevails over analysis, sometimes leading to radicalized ideas and violence. In this world of immediacy and social networks, where speed paralyzes judgment, what role can journalists play? How can each of us sharpen our critical faculties so that we are no longer subjected to misinformation?
To discuss these questions, we have brought together three journalists. Laurent Joffrin, former managing editor of Libération and Nouvel Obs, is also a writer with a passion for the political stories and affairs that have shaped France. Pierre Haski, president of the Reporters sans frontières association, can be found every morning on France Inter in his Géopolitique column. Thomas Huchon, investigative journalist and expert on conspiracy theories, presents the weekly program Anti-complot on LCI.

minimum age
12 years old
Free access.
Opening dates
Friday 26 April 2024 between 8 pm and 9.30 pm.
Conférence : La désinformation menace-t-elle nos démocraties ?
Hôtel Alpina
79 av. du Mont Blanc
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Closest bus stop : Place Mont-Blanc
Mulet stop : Place du Poilu
Closest train stop : Chamonix Centre train station
Closest parking : Mont-Blanc car-park