Sentier thématique "Epilogue à Chamonix"

in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

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Laissez-vous guider sur votre smartphone grâce à l'application Mhikes !

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The last of the 5 new thematic trails of "L'aventure climatique" promoting the natural heritage of the valley through a fun and educational itinerant concept.

"Epilogue in the center of Chamonix": Chamonix Centre - departure from Place du Triangle de l'Amitié (Chamonix Tourist Office): link between all the themes / impact of global warming.
impact of global warming. It is advisable to do this theme trail last.

This survey trail can be completed using the booklet and a smartphone: download the free "Mhikes" mobile application:
off-line operation, simple interactions. Just flash the QRcode on the starting totem and let yourself be guided!

"Welcome to Chamonix! The quest is coming to an end... soon. A final test awaits you here, in the heart of the historic town. This time, there are no marked trails or itineraries. Just follow the digital trail, answer the questions posed at each stage, and make your way through the town's streets."

For the entire Climatic Adventure, a game kit is on sale for €18 at the Chamonix Tourist Office.

Armed with your kit and your smartphone, let yourself be guided to the final outcome of l'Aventure Climatique"...

Starting point altitude
Highest point
Elevation gain
Elevation losses
Round trip timing
In english version, for sale at the Chamonix Valley tourist offices for 18€.
Opening dates
All year round.

Subject to favorable weather.
Sentier thématique "Epilogue à Chamonix"
85 place du Triangle de l'Amitié
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc