Lasergame Chamonix
in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
The LaserGame Chamonix is happy to welcome you to its playground: Equipped with an infrared weapon and a headset, come and play a life-size video game!
minimum age
6 years old
15€ / person
The prices include also the assistance to all players. We offer you different scenarios to make the game more interesting. A referee will always be with you to judge the game and sort everything out. The game will last about 1:15 hour.
Maximum 20 persons.
15€ / person
The prices include also the assistance to all players. We offer you different scenarios to make the game more interesting. A referee will always be with you to judge the game and sort everything out. The game will last about 1:15 hour.
Maximum 20 persons.
Opening dates
From 01/01 to 31/12.
Lasergame Chamonix
Promenade des crèmeries
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Closest bus stop : La Frasse
Closest train stop : Chamonix train station / Les Praz train stop (Warning, far stops)
Closest parking : Cremeries street car park
Closest train stop : Chamonix train station / Les Praz train stop (Warning, far stops)
Closest parking : Cremeries street car park