Rail and Trail - Nature and heritage quiz in Argentière
in Argentière
To explore the village of Argentière, the Tourist Office has created a nature and heritage trail for all the family. Visit the old village, the Baroque church, the magic forest of the “moraine” and learn more about the history and traditions of this mountaineering fiefdom, whilst having fun!
Free of charge.
Opening dates
All year round, daily.
Rail and Trail - Nature and heritage quiz in Argentière
Office de tourisme d'Argentière
24 rte du Village
74400 Argentière
24 rte du Village
74400 Argentière
Nearest bus stop : Argentière - La FIS / Argentière
Nearest train stop : Argentière train station
Nearest car parks: FIS Parking / Maison de village / Station
Nearest train stop : Argentière train station
Nearest car parks: FIS Parking / Maison de village / Station