Ice hockey game - Chamonix Vs Marseille

in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

French Ligue Magnus ice hockey match between Chamonix and Marseille.

Free entry for children < 4 years.

Prices vary depending on the location.

To purchase tickets, visit the club's website, the Chamonix Tourist Office, or the ticket office on match nights (subject to availability).
Opening dates
Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 8 pm.
Ice hockey game - Chamonix Vs Marseille
Patinoire du centre sportif Richard Bozon
214, avenue de la plage
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Nearest bus stop : Médiathèque
Nearest Mulet stop : Médiathèque
Nearest train station: Chamonix-Mont-Blanc train station (15 minutes on foot)
Nearest car park: Corzolet / Mediatheque / Fond des Gires

Informations liées

Is organised in this context
in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc