Les Houches tennis courts
in Les Houches
There are 6 courts: court hire, adults' and children's tennis lessons provided by a state-qualified coach, private lessons during the summer season. Individual lessons and courses for children from 4 years old.
All levels.
Tennis racket hire and tennis balls on sale.
Starting point altitude
1 hour : 13€
4 hours : 47.50€
8 hours : 78€
Guest : 7€
Season card: 117€.
4 hours : 47.50€
8 hours : 78€
Guest : 7€
Season card: 117€.
Opening dates
Closed temporarily.
Les Houches tennis courts
240 all des Diligences
74310 Les Houches
74310 Les Houches
Closest bus stop : Le Prarion
Closest train stop : Viaduc Sainte-Marie
Closest parking : Les Chavants car park
Closest train stop : Viaduc Sainte-Marie
Closest parking : Les Chavants car park