Sortie : Balade à la découverte des milieux aquatiques de montagne - Fête de la Science

in Vallorcine

Accompanied by an expert in aquatic environments, discover mountain rivers and torrents and their incredible biodiversity!

Discover mountain rivers and streams and their incredible biodiversity!
Accompanied by an expert in aquatic environments, discover mountain rivers and streams and their incredible biodiversity!
Take a stroll through the magnificent Vallorcine valley and discover the secrets of these little-known ecosystems. With telescopes and magnifying glasses in hand, learn how to recognize their inhabitants and the links that bind us to them.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced naturalist, with family or friends, come and discover the secret worlds that trickle down the slopes of our mountains.

Objectives :
- Observe and identify the different aquatic species found in mountain streams.
- Raise awareness of the ecological importance of these habitats.
- Learn field sampling and analysis techniques.

Places limited to 20 people.
Reservations required before the day of the outing.
E-mail: - Telephone: 06 62 83 45 81

Free of charge.
Opening dates
Saturday 12 October 2024 between 1 pm and 5 pm.
Sortie : Balade à la découverte des milieux aquatiques de montagne - Fête de la Science
Office de Tourisme de Vallorcine
74660 Vallorcine