
Go snowboarding in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley – an awe-inspiring experience!

Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley attracts snowboarders of every calibre. 

‘I’ve ridden in some famous spots around the world,’ says Merlin Surget, French snowboard champion, ‘but returning to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley is always amazing. It’s probably a bit chauvinistic, but it’s the most beautiful snowboarding location in the world for me.’ 

Merlin has a few favourite spots: ‘Les Houches is impressive for its fabulous view,’ he shares, ‘and at Le Brévent, you can enjoy all-day sunshine!’ 

The different levels, itineraries and the quality of the snow in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley means there is something for everyone, from the beginner snowboarder to the pro-rider. True enjoyment in magnificent surroundings! 
Come and try out some of these spots for yourself – a sensational experience guaranteed!