Tennis in Servoz
in Servoz
2 tennis courts.
Book a tennis court at the Tourist Office in Servoz.
When the Tourist Office is closed, please contact Servoz municipal council office (mairie) to book a court.
Starting point altitude
1h card : 10,40 €
6h card : 43 €
10h card : 70 €
Cards to be withdrawn at the opening dates and times of the Tourist Office of Servoz.
Sale of season cards in Town Hall.
6h card : 43 €
10h card : 70 €
Cards to be withdrawn at the opening dates and times of the Tourist Office of Servoz.
Sale of season cards in Town Hall.
Opening dates
From 15/04 to 10/11.
Weather permitting.
Weather permitting.
Tennis in Servoz
Chemin de la Grangiat
74310 Servoz
74310 Servoz
Closest bus stop : Servoz - Le Bouchet Eglise
Closest train stop : Servoz train station
Closest parking : Tennis car-park / Church
Closest train stop : Servoz train station
Closest parking : Tennis car-park / Church