Positive Energy Valley

Positive Energy Valley
3 key words: "Valley" and "Positive Energy" to highlight this strong and shared ambition carried by the community and formalised within a territorial project.
→ The territorial project is a framework document and a roadmap that is based on four main areas of intervention:
- Living well in the valley, ensuring social cohesion and the well-being of the inhabitants;
- Accelerating the ecological transition to deal with climate change in particular;
- Diversifying the local economy and promoting innovation;
- Strengthen cooperation, because there is strength in numbers.
→ This project aims to mobilise all the positive energies of the region: the energy of the women and men who make it up, shape it and visit it; the energy of the exceptional natural setting we enjoy; the energy of the torrents, forests and sunshine from which we benefit; the energy of the economic players who make the valley shine in France and around the world; the energy of the innovations that will strengthen our capacity for resilience

Focus on renewable energy
The Chamonix Mont-Blanc Valley produces more energy than it consumes thanks to hydroelectricity.
Photovoltaic solar energy (e.g. tennis courts in Chamonix), thermal solar energy (Ehpad in Chamonix), geothermal energy (crèches "Les Petites Cordées" in Chamonix), etc. are also being studied and deployed in the area.

Sustainable mobility plan
Electric shuttles, hybrid and gas buses, renovation of the railway line, cycle routes, pedestrian paths... the Chamonix valley is continuing its efforts to develop and structure its eco-mobility. De-mobility is also encouraged in order to reduce travel.
The free travel system for train and bus journeys, which has been in operation all year round since 2005, now carries 3.2 million passengers a year. This free movement is accessible to visitors with the guest card issued by the accommodation provider.
Green buses: the territory is equipped with 100% electric, hybrid, Euro 6 and CNG buses.
Presentation of public transport
Electric charging points are also deployed at the destination
Waste - Circular economy
After the "reusable deposits" operation proposed to restaurant owners in 2021, the local authority has just launched the "returnable cup" operation, since September 2022, in partnership with the Mont Blanc zero waste association.
The Community of Municipalities of the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Valley is also involved in the recovery of food oils which are recycled in the methanisation plant in Arenthon for the production of local biogas energy (ZEST partner label).
Two ressourceries in Les Houches and Chamonix are also accessible.
The doubling of neighbourhood composting sites has also been implemented for 2022.
The formalization of a partnership between the Community of Communes of the Chamonix Valley and Ecotrivélo, a local association that recovers bio-waste from the valley's restaurants in order to compost it on site was also formalized.
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La fascinante vie souterraine des centrales hydroélectriques