Usual information & services

Top addresses and useful information for your stay in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley.
Preparing your stay in the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley?
Here is our expert advice to help you make sure you don't miss anything and enjoy your visits in complete peace of mind. Your stay will be even more enjoyable!
Are you looking for the best address for lunch at high altitude, with a view over Mont Blanc? Or dinner showcasing some local specialities? Or somewhere warm for a drink and appetizers? The Valley’s restaurants offer a vast choice of cuisines with menus for every budget!
New restaurants, renovation of ski lifts, new products...
Check out our selection of new products!
Are you planning your next holiday adventure in the Valley and need to hire ski and mountain equipment? Find the rental outlet closest to your accommodation.
Need transport to get here or get around the Valley? There are taxi firms, private transport companies and public transport available.
All you have to do is relax and enjoy your stay - we’ll take care of the rest!
Vallée Blanche, skiing, paragliding, wellness, winter mountain biking, children's activities...